
We’re want to get you a loan, fast. Here are some of our frequently asked questions to speed
things up.

#1 my test vlog

my test vlog

#1 Melissa Hanson joins the Bizi Loans team!

Introduction to our new team member Melissa Hanson. Bit of background of her background being from New Zealand.

#1 Market update Dec 2021

Ben @ Bizi Loans provides a market update on what is happening in the asset finance space including the price...

#1 Bizi Loans Xmas message 2021

Ben @ Bizi Loans wishes all their clients Merry Xmas and broaches the subject of not overspending over the holiday...

#1 If you own a small business you need to watch this video!

Ben @ Bizi Loans explains why people that own businesses need to be even more protective of their credit file.

#1 Tips and tricks of Caravanning

Ben @ Bizi Loans shares some tips and learnings from what he has experienced for a first time caravanner

#1 Austar toy hauler run through with Ben @ Bizi Loans

Quick run through the Austar Toy Hauler Playzone T. Ben @ Bizi Loans runs through the things he likes most...

#1 Are you struggling with debt? You need to watch this!

If you find yourself in debt and going through issues with life and debt you need to communicate with all...

#1 Finance for FIFO workers! Client story with how easy process can be with Bizi Loans!

Client story of the Bizi Loans team making it easy for a FIFO worker to purchase a car even when...